Xbox ANZ Announces E3 2018 Xbox GrE3n Carpet Experience

June 2, 2018

Want to experience watching an E3 2018 press conference live in a theater full of like-minded fans, plus get breakfast, watch a movie and have the chance to win some prizes, instead of sitting at home on your own during one of the times in David’s press conference guide? Well Xbox ANZ have announced something just for you if you happen to live on the East Coast of Australia or near Sylvia Park in New Zealand

For E3 2018, Xbox ANZ will be running the Xbox GrE3n Carpet Experience out of a number of Hoyts’ cinemas across Australia, giving you the chance to watch the Xbox E3 2018 Press Conference live from the comfort of recliners in Gold Class. Along with the press conference, you’ll also get to see a screening of Solo: A Star Wars Story, so you can turn the experience of watching the E3 presentation into a full-on outing.

On top of these two viewing experiences, you’ll also get breakfast and the opportunity to enter some exclusive competitions by attending, which includes the chance to win an Xbox One X among other prizes, all for the low price of $20 + booking fee.

The Xbox GrE3N Carpet Experience runs from 5:30 am to 11:30 am AEST on Monday June 11th, and tickets can be booked at the links below for each of the cinemas where this will be running:

Entertainment Quarter (Sydney)

Wetherill Park (Sydney)

Melbourne Central (Melbourne)

Sunnybark Plaza (Brisbane)

Sylvia Park (Mt Wellington, NZ)