Sunday Gaming News -24/3/2013

March 24, 2013

The footy’s back! Kind of. Two fairly uninspiring games so far, though. Well, let’s hope next weekend is better with the remainder of the first round. Hope your team does well.

  • X:COM: Enemy Unknown is coming to iOS. According to developer Firaxis, this will be a full port of the triple-A title. The only difference in terms of content will be a reduced number of maps due to the smaller storage space of iOS devices. According to X:COM lead developer Jake Solomon, the touch controls are natural fit for a strategy game like X:COM. The game is being developed by 2K China, under supervision from Firaxis.
  • Venerable browser-based MMO Runescape is about to get a sequel. Runescape 3 will launch later this year, and is a significant upgrade for the game. The big news is that it will use HTML5 and WebGL, meaning players will no longer need to run the security-compromised Java plugin to play the game. Java will remain an option, but it’s good to see a game as significant as Runescape moving away from it.

[youtube id=”h73o_UQq0OI” width=”600″ height=”350″]

  • From the “what crazy thing did someone make in Minecraft this week” department comes a working neuron. Whether or not this means we should prepare for the inevitable uprising of our electronic companions is a matter for debate, of course. Still, pretty cool.