Saturday Gaming News – 8/6/2013

June 8, 2013

Me? Doing the news on a Saturday? It’s more likely than you think! While Adam S suns himself in LA in preparation for E3, I’ll be holding down the fort here at Rocket Chainsaw Towers.

  • According to a report on Kotaku, all is not well at Trendy Entertainment, developers of popular tower defence game Dungeon Defenders. With a sequel expected to be released in the next few months, employees are speaking up about long hours, sexist hiring practices and a boss who has serious issues dealing with employees. A number of employees have left the studio, and more plan to do so once Dungeon Defenders II ships.
  • Eiji Aonuma has revealed details of the upcoming Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past 2 for 3DS. According to Aonuma, there will be a big surprise at the start of the game that will shock players, and lots of new ideas for the series. He lamented the fact that everytime he has a new idea, it ends up being used in a Zelda game. Most interestingly, the game will apparently run at 60 frames per second, even in 3D mode.
  • I’m apparently a sucker for a zombie apocalypse game, so this CG trailer for Techland’s upcoming Dying Light trailer has got me all tingly:

[youtube id=”KWASA7eNiLc” width=”600″ height=”350″]

  • Speaking of trailers, here’s one for the new Thief:

[youtube id=”qwnHLHdxvqw” width=”600″ height=”350″]

  • After a successful Kickstarter campaign, Siter Skain’s legendary shooting trilogy Tale of Alltynex has been localised and released in English for PC. You can pick the games up here if you like the following trailer for them. The games are also up on Steam Greenlight, so vote for them if you want to be able to purchase them through Steam!

[youtube id=”6Hkfvq6hYqo” width=”600″ height=”350″]

  • You can buy a lot of things for US$7500. A couple of Macbooks, a used car, a nice big TV and, it turns out, the entire Freespace IP. That’s right, the franchise, formerly owned by THQ, was picked up by Interplay for that exact sum. No word on what Interplay, who most are predicting will be next against the wall after THQ’s collapse, will do with the series, but it’s a fair bet there’ll be HD remakes soon enough. Meanwhile, we here at Rocket Chainsaw Towers are passing the hat around to see what other ultra-cheap classic gaming properties are up for sale right now.