Rayman Legends Wii U trailer leaks

April 27, 2012

E3 leaks have come early, one of the first landing today. Somewhere, someone has leant on a keyboard and accidentally pushed through a trailer for Rayman Legends for the Wii U (though the game will also be available for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3).

Though the confirmation of Rayman Legends, a somewhat sequel to Rayman Origins, was confirmed a little while ago, Wii U specific confirmation had been kept under wraps. This trailer not only confirms the game is coming to the Wii U, but also some goofy Wii U specific features, including various gimmicks using the touch screen controller, and what appears to be Skylanders-esque character scanner to make Ubisoft mascots (Rabbids, Ezio, etc) interact with the game world. The trailer shows players putting these characters on the Wii U pad, and then appearing in the game.

In addition to this, Rayman Legends will feature a host of online multiplayer modes and challenges, including those centred around ‘social networking’.

The trailer, hosted by Gamekult, can be viewed below. Watch quickly before it disappears!