Indie Dev: Wii U Is “More Open, Social and Indie-Friendly” Than Wii

October 1, 2012

Speaking to the UK’s Official Nintendo Magazine, Martin Pichlmair of Broken Rules talked about what’s like to be an indie developer working on the Wii U. He’s impressed with the new console, as well as Nintendo’s fresh approach to the eShop. Broken Rules are currently working on Chasing Aurora, an eShop game which sees players helping a bird to find its way through various mountains. The game is intended to be released on the eShop at the time of the Wii U’s launch. Pichlmair said:

I can not talk about the new eShop in detail. What I do know is that Nintendo is doing everything to make this console much more open, social and indie-friendly than the Wii ever was. There are people at Nintendo who know where innovative games come from. And if you look at the launch lineup you can clearly see that those people have had a say in it. At the same time, the Wii U with its various controller configurations calls for experimental games of all kinds and Nintendo is always eager to have games make good use of its console’s innovations.

Broken Rules themselves intend to make good use of the Wii U’s GamePad, offering a multiplayer mode which makes extensive use of the GamePad’s touch screen, allowing players to interact with the game’s world. You can view a trailer for Chasing Aurora below:

[youtube id=”us9yvGYyWiU” width=”600″ height=”350″]