Doom Multiplayer Preview

April 8, 2016

The original Doom was one of the most influential titles that popularised the first person shooter genre. Not only was the gameplay fun, but the on-screen violence combined with pseudo-3D graphics were quite confronting at the time. Doom’s Deathmatch mode also contributed to its success, and later influenced other arena shooters including Quake. 2016’s Doom calls back to this golden era, bringing an old school charm to its multiplayer modes.

We were recently invited to take part in Doom’s closed beta on PS4. The beta featured two 6v6 multiplayer modes; the tried and true Deathmatch and the new Warzone. The latter is a King-of-the-Hill style mode where players fight to control an area which slowly moves throughout the map. Unlike reports of PC players favouring Deathmatch, we found it was easy to get games in both modes though it’s impossible to tell if this will be the case a few weeks after launch. Matchmaking was solid as we were placed into games quickly, but more importantly we experienced no lag mid-game.

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Gameplay has an old school FPS arena feel similar to Quake and Unreal Tournament. Players run quickly throughout the arena, hunting down opponents in a game of cat and mouse. The tables can turn quickly however, often becoming a test of reflexes to see who can out maneuver the other. Instead of regenerating health players must collect health and armour pick-ups littered throughout the arena, providing a sense of urgency as you scramble for resources before an opponent finds you. Weapons will reload automatically, but do not have unlimited ammo. In selected areas there are also Haste and Quad Damage pick-ups, which increase your character’s speed and damage output respectively. There’s also a special weapon dubbed the Gauss Cannon that instant K.O.s most opponents. It’s not uncommon for teams to camp at the spawn locations of the “power” pick-ups, which adds to the already frantic action.

The beta featured two levels called Heatwave and Infernal. Heatwave is set in an industrial mining facility, complete with fiery pits and windy hallways. The map is small enough that it intertwines players and sets them up for large-scale team fights. Meanwhile, Infernal is a mid-range map set in Hell where teams often split, causing more one-on-one battles to be waged. Both maps featured jump and warp pads, and pitfall hazards. Much like the classic arena shooters of the 90’s, players who learn the layout of each map will gain a distinct advantage as they will know the best approach to pick-up locations and how to quickly escape from enemy fire.

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Over time players gain XP which unlocks various customisation options. These range from cosmetic changes for your in-game avatar, to weapons and Hack Modules. In the beta players could unlock a heavy assault rifle, plasma rifle, rocket launcher, super shotgun, vortex rifle, lightning gun and static rifle, as well as various grenade types. While each weapon suits different play styles and feel unique, they also lack a sense of power in the arena. For example, the rocket launcher is a mid to long range weapon which causes approx. 30 damage for a direct hit. This is a far cry from other shooters where players actively avoid offending opponents in fear of an instant K.O. Having said this, no single weapon felt it had an advantage over others, so the gameplay retains a fair and even balance.

Hack Modules grant temporary perks during matches, similar to how burn cards work in Titanfall. In Doom, you can apply modules which add armour each time you spawn, show the health meters of opponents, and even show the respawn time for pick-up items. It adds a slight strategic element to the otherwise trigger happy gameplay, and it’s fun to experiment with different combinations and work together with teammates.

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One of the more unique features in the game is the ability to transform into a demon. This occurs with a special Demon Rune pick-up, which only one player can collect at a time. In the beta only the Revenant Demon was available but there will be more options available in the final build. The Revenant has a jetpack and two powerful rocket launchers. While it can be a little difficult to aim, the pure destructive force is enough to turn the tide of a match in skilled hands. Rest assured, there will be an intense fight when the Demon Rune spawns.

Overall, Doom’s multiplayer is an exhilarating experience. The game is fast paced, chaotic and has a sense of old school charm that harkens back to the glory days of arena shooters. Combined with a competent matchmaking system, the thrill of fighting over a power pick-up and just the sheer chaotic gameplay, it’s a positive outlook for the franchise’s future.