E3 2017: 30 minutes of Super Mario Odyssey Gameplay Reveals Co-Op Mode

June 16, 2017

It may not have been announced in E3 2017 trailers, but today’s Nintendo Treehouse gives us a 30 minute co-op demonstration video for Super Mario Odyssey.

Co-operative play allows a second player to take control of Cappy, Mario’s cap which has a wide range of abilities in Super Mario Odyssey. It was revealed that Cappy is invincible, and therefore becomes a very useful tool in your arsenal, particularly if you have a friend willing to join you through your odyssey.

Check out the official E3 2017 Nintendo Treehouse Super Mario Odyssey Co-Op Demonstration gameplay video below:


Nintendo continue to upload gameplay footage of Super Mario Odyssey and their other E3 2017 featured games to their official YouTube channel, so venture over there for hours of viewing.

Super Mario Odyssey launches on Nintendo Switch on October 27, 2017.