Daily Gaming News – 5/7/2013

July 5, 2013

  • NEWS: Stopping by the Computer Games Boot Camp at Monash University, on Thursday 11 June? If so, you can gaze upon the monstrosity that is myself, Adam Ghiggino Executive Editor and Cool Dude (in the flesh), as I will be appearing as part of an industry panel named ‘Behind the Media’ at around midday. Check out the details as they’re confirmed and see all the other cool stuff happening at CGBC at their website.
  • NEWS: There’s only one hour left for the most excellent GOG.com sale. Now’s your chance to finally play all the Ultima games! Even the first one with a spaceship!
  • NEWS: This week’s Nintendo Store Update includes the original Pilotwings for the Wii U’s virtual console, Project X Zone for the 3DS and a few new Game Gear titles for the 3DS virtual console, including Sonic Drift 2 and Vampire: Master of Darkness.
  • VIDEO: A new walkthrough video for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn named ‘A Tour of Eorzea, Part 3’ has been uploaded to YouTube:

[youtube id=”–a6__DnOde” width=”600″ height=”350″]

  • NEWS: Naruto fans of the elite sort will no doubt be pleased to hear that Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 will be heading to PC in Q4 2013.
  • NEWS: In addition, Namco Bandai have announced a new 3DS One Piece game, known as One Piece: Romance Dawn – an RPG title, based on the original manga, and featuring the series’ most famous battles.
  • VIDEO: This new video from Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII  seems to have something to do with someone returning. Not sure who. Maybe it’ll come to me.

[youtube id=”tt5Zz3augD4″ width=”600″ height=”350″]