The Elder Scrolls Online Murkmire DLC Launches Today!

October 22, 2018

Murkmire DLC

Zenimax Online Studios is gearing up today for the release of The Elder Scrolls Online Murkmire DLC. Venture deep into the lands of the Argonians to discover their origins and reveal an untouched part of Elder Scrolls lore. Fans of the franchise have been requesting to explore Murkmire since The Elder Scrolls Online launched in April 2014, and today Windows PC players will be able to purchase the new Murkmire DLC.

Rocket Chainsaw recently sat down with Zenimax Online Studios Director Matt Firor at GamesCom 2018 who gave us plenty of insight into what to expect in the latest DLC for Elder Scrolls Online, which you can read more about here.

Players can also begin a prologue quest in the base game which will lead you deep into the swamps of Black Marsh as you search for some lost Argonian relics. There are two unique story quests as well as six daily quests that can be completed as players prepare for the Murkmire DLC.

Murkmire DLC

Earn all-new and powerful items sets, unique collectables, and all the honor and glory that comes with the exploration of a mysterious new world. Few expeditions ever return, but untold riches await those brave adventurers willing to venture into Murkmire.

Immerse yourself in the unknown cultures of the strange tribes of the deep swamp and explore the world of the Hist in a weird and wonderful new zone that includes new delves, monsters, world bosses, quests, and more.

Earlier this year, Elder Scrolls Online launched its second major expansion Summerset, and Rocket Chainsaw gave it 4 stars saying it “has some of the most gorgeous vistas you’ll find in a video game. The amazing architecture of the cities on Summerset Isle (my favourite is Lillandril), mixed with sweeping ocean views, rocky waterfalls, or lush green areas makes the Summerset Isles the absolute prettiest part of Tamriel.

The Elder Scrolls Online Murkmire DLC drops today, October 22, for Windows PC players, while Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players will have to wait a further two weeks until November 6, 2018 for the update to roll out. For more information head to the official Murkmire DLC website here.