E3 2017: Terry Crews Shows Off Crackdown 3 at Xbox Press Conference

June 12, 2017

First you’ll throw grenades, then you’ll throw cars in Microsoft’s exclusive Crackdown 3, coming to Xbox One and Windows PC on the same day as the new Xbox One X launches, November 7, 2017. Crackdown 3 will also be a Play Anywhere title, meaning purchasing it on one platform will allow you to play and continue your game on both Windows PC and Xbox One.

At the Xbox E3 2017 press conference, Terry Crews gets us all pumped for fast-paced action, and you’d better get ready to hunt down those agility orbs as Commander Jaxon welcomes you to The Agency.

Watch the official Xbox Crackdown 3 E3 2017 4K press conference trailer below:



If Terry Crews can’t get you pumped for a game, we’re not sure what can. We can’t wait to get our hands on Crackdown 3 this November, and will have our very own hands-on article from the E3 2017 show floor shortly, so check back at Rocket Chainsaw for all the latest on Crackdown 3.