Rocket Chainsaw E3 2013 Guide

June 10, 2013

E3 2013 IS HERE!!! IT’S HERE!!! YESSS!!! OH MY GOD!!!! It’s almost here. So relax, take a deep breath, sit the fuck down, and pay attention for a moment.

While it is Monday in Australia, Los Angeles is wrapping up its Sunday, leading to their Monday and thus the formal beginning of E3 2013. Sony, Microsoft, EA, and Ubisoft all have scheduled conferences, meanwhile Nintendo has pencilled in a pre-recorded Nintendo Direct. Each company will be primarily focusing on a whole bunch of “next generation” titles. Xbox One with TitanFall, Quantum Break, and Forza 5. Sony with Killzone: Shadow Fall, inFamous: Second Son, and DriveClub. Nintendo will have Super Smash Bros. U, Super Mario U, and Mario Kart U. From Ubisoft you can expect Watch_Dogs, Rayman Legends, and Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. And from EA we’re guessing you’ll see Battlefield 4, FIFA 14, and Dragon Age 3. And, of course, we expect every single one of these events to be loaded with a bunch of surprises, too.

As with last year, Rocket Chainsaw will be providing a live blog of events, touched up with embedded trailers, on the front page as each screens. If you happen to miss one of the big shows and want a summary of everything seen and said, make sure to check out features.

For those who are playing at home, and by that I mean those who’ll actually stay up to watch the conferences, NeoGAF user Clipper has provided us a lovely time zone graph telling you exactly when each event streams. And we’ve got the locations of each stream too.


Doing things a bit differently this year, Nintendo is hosting both a main Nintendo Direct (scheduled above), as well as a series of day one E3 2013 videos, including trailers and developer interviews. All of these will be found on their hub mentioned above. Here’s the schedule for their stuff.

If you’d like to participate with the Rocket Chainsaw community during the E3 2013 conference streams you can do so via our official forum. Or, if you’re feeling chatty, you can follow community member Al3x’s guide on how to join or Steam group and access Mumble chat. Fun for all!

And remember, our attending E3 2013 staff will be providing plenty of information, like previews and hands-on experiences, for you all to read. So keep your eyes glued to the main page over the next week for all kinds of shits and giggles.